If you want to lose weight, put more protein in the daily menu. Protein digest food slowly and stably, making you feel full longer and reduce the desire to overeat. Protein is also important for maintaining and building lean muscle mass, to help the body burn more calories. Some foods that contain high protein will provide more benefits in weight loss efforts.
Some of these best proteins will make your diet work faster:
Eating eggs is the best way to start the day. With only 140 calories, two eggs contain 14 grams of protein. In addition, you also get the benefits of egg yolks that can maintain blood sugar levels. Research shows, eating eggs for breakfast reduces the production of starving germelin hormones, and helps you eat less for the next 36 hours. It’s amazing
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to increase fat burning and help maintain appetite. According to a review published in the journal Nutrition. Marine fish have 32 percent fewer calories and one gram more omega-3s per serving, compared to freshwater fish.
Low fat cheese
Low-fat cheese provides more protein, with fewer calories than regular cheese. Research in Canada shows that obese women who consume more protein-rich dairy foods such as low-fat cheese, lose more fat and get more muscle compared to those who don’t eat it.
Skinless chicken breast
There aren’t many other foods that will give you 26 grams of protein with only 128 calories, and skinless chicken breast one of them. In addition to good taste, chicken breast is also easy to cook. However, in order not to get bored, try a variety of foods from chicken breast
A cup of cooked beans will not only give you almost 18 grams of protein but also 15 grams of fiber, which helps slow down the digestion of food and stabilize blood sugar. In a Canadian study, subjects who only ate one serving of beans every day lost about 0.2 kg in just six weeks – without making other changes to their food. Now, just imagine what can be done as part of a healthy eating and exercise plan.
This diffracted soy-based food contains 16 grams of protein per serving of three ounces. But that’s not all. Like lentils, tempeh is a fantastic source of fiber, giving you seven grams of fiber per serving. And, it will help you full longer, compared to pure protein alone.
Like salmon, tuna is another great source for burning omega-3 fat, and contains 16 grams of protein per serving of three ounces. You can get tuna in canned form. Besides being cheaper, the method of cooking is more practical. You can store these canned tuna for healthy food supply.