Admit It; You Want Butt Lifting Leggings Too!

Some showbiz and entertainment pundits believe there’s a lot of pressure to look like stars known for their flashy butts. That makes many young women seek to augment their buttocks with gym routines that would make Schwarzenegger sweat, others opt for plastic surgeries, and some more conservative ones seek the help of clothing explicitly designed to make their derriere a much more eye-catching focal point. But where does this obsession come from?

Top Trending Butt-Lifting Leggings For Any Budget 2019 – Awesales

Historically, we can say that women in the Victorian era wore polysons – a frame tied around the waist – to enhance their buttocks. Various butt enhancement techniques have been part of the female world for years.

A woman’s body has always been an indication of society’s aspirations: muscular thinness is preferred in capitalist countries, while ample curves are more admired in more impoverished places, a voluptuous body is a sign of good health and fertility.

Nowadays, derived …