Chest vests first came out during the first World War and have been a popular accessory ever since. They are designed to give you a way to easily carry around important things like your water bottles, weapons like knives or even guns, and tools that you might need when you are out wearing them. The chest vest has come a long way since they first came out, and there are now several to pick from that are comfortable for you and meet your needs. These vests have many benefits to wearing them; they are lightweight and breathable enough to be comfortable in the summer, they can be worn alongside other body armor and backpacks, and they are safe to wear when you are driving. When you are looking at the different types of vests on the market, there are some very important things to consider before going and buying one.
Look at the pockets
Chest rigs have pockets all over them that can be movable and removable. This means that you can have as many pockets as you need or you can remove them if you don’t have much to carry at one time. You can also move the pockets around so they are comfortable when you are wearing it!
Look at how many pouches it has
A good vest is going to have several pouches, enough to go at least 12 magazines at one with at least one additional pouch for first aid supplies in case you get hurt, and a spare pouch or two to store any other personal items you need to take with you. You also want pouches that are made out of material like nylon so that you know it will be lightweight, durable, and comfortable all at once.
Look at the safety and durability features
Safety and durability are the most important features that your vest needs to have. The safety and the durability in a vest come from the materials that are used in the vests themselves. In order to make sure you have a vest that will keep you safe, especially if being used in a military capacity, and will last for a long time no matter what you put it through, make sure you research and buy only from highly reputable brands that will also issue a warranty with their vests so that if any issues do arise you can get it taken care of quickly.
Pick a vest that will be comfortable
Of course, you want your vest to be safe and have a long life no matter what you put it through, but you also want a vest that is going to be comfortable enough to wear for a long time. When you are out on the field, the supplies you carry are going to get heavy pretty quickly, so you want a vest that is going to be lightweight so you are not weighed down more unnecessarily. You also want to look for one that has crossed straps in the back so that your back does not have any pressure on it and cause additional back pain in the long-term.
Chest rigs are actually incredibly breathable which makes it one of the most comfortable vests to wear during the summer as it will help keep you cool as you work.